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Basic Operation

In Rhino, type SnS in the Rhino’s command prompt window and select a solid model on which structural analysis is to be performed. Refer to section on Supported Rhino Models on how to determine if the Rhino model is a valid solid.

A typical sequence of commands to perform structural test on the solid model is as follows:

  1. Select the material, standard or Custom
  2. Apply the restraintsEdit to partially restrain
  3. Apply the loads, Edit to modify
  4. Click Go
  5. View the results (strength, weakness, stresses, deformations)
  6. Click Bake to save the deformed shape
  7. Click Report to generate web-ready reports

The commands are initiated by clicking on the corresponding buttons in the Specify and View tabs of Scan&Solve™ as explained in the summary of Controls.

wiki/sns/sns2014/basic_operation.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/13 12:36 by claire