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Scan&Solve 2014 FAQ

Materials and Components

  • Will a custom material added in one file be available for use in other files?
  • Are orthotropic materials, such as wood or composites, supported in Scan&Solve™ 2014?
  • Can Scan&Solve 2014 simulate composite structures?

Input and Geometry

  • Can Scan&Solve™ simulate structural foams?
  • If the Rhino object is hollow, will using Scan&Solve™ on the object force it to become solid, or will it remain a hollow or shell-like object?
  • Can Scan&Solve™ 2014 perform thin shell analysis, say for very thin plastics?

Loads and Restraints

  • Can I restrain the edges and vertices of the solid?
  • Can I apply a combination of different loads to a face?
  • Are climatic loads such as rain, snow, or wind supported?
  • Can loads be applied over time with time history or ramp functions?

Viewing and Reporting Results

  • How can I export my results?
  • What formats are available for exporting the geometry?


  • Does using the Deflection Slider in the View Tab show what would really happen to the solid under the conditions specified?
  • Is there a way to visualize the “mesh of space” that encloses the solid for analysis?
  • What is the relationship between Rhino model accuracy and the size of a single mesh element in Scan&Solve™ 2014?

Purchasing and Upgrading Scan&Solve 2014

  • What types of Scan&Solve 2014 licenses are available for purchase?


  • I would like to see a demonstration of the entire process of analyzing an imported mesh using Scan&Solve 2014.
  • How can I keep abreast of the latest developments and releases of Scan&Solve™ 2014?


Input and Geometry

Loads and Restraints

Viewing and Reporting Results


Purchasing and Upgrading Scan&Solve


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wiki/sns/sns2014/faq.1501692751.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/02 10:52 by claire