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Scan&Solve 2014 FAQ

Materials and Components

  • Will a custom material added in one file be available for use in other files?
  • Are orthotropic materials, such as wood or composites, supported in Scan&Solve™ 2014?
  • Can Scan&Solve 2014 simulate composite structures?

Input and Geometry

  • Can Scan&Solve™ simulate structural foams?
  • If the Rhino object is hollow, will using Scan&Solve™ on the object force it to become solid, or will it remain a hollow or shell-like object?
  • Can Scan&Solve™ 2014 perform thin shell analysis, say for very thin plastics?

Loads and Restraints

  • Can I restrain the edges and vertices of the solid?
  • Can I apply a combination of different loads to a face?
  • Are climatic loads such as rain, snow, or wind supported?
  • Can loads be applied over time with time history or ramp functions?

Viewing and Reporting Results

  • How can I export my results?
  • What formats are available for exporting the geometry?


  • Does using the Deflection Slider in the View Tab show what would really happen to the solid under the conditions specified?
  • Is there a way to visualize the “mesh of space” that encloses the solid for analysis?
  • What is the relationship between Rhino model accuracy and the size of a single mesh element in Scan&Solve™ 2014?

Purchasing and Upgrading Scan&Solve 2014

  • What types of Scan&Solve 2014 licenses are available for purchase?


  • I would like to see a demonstration of the entire process of analyzing an imported mesh using Scan&Solve 2014.
  • How can I keep abreast of the latest developments and releases of Scan&Solve™ 2014?


Input and Geometry

Loads and Restraints

Viewing and Reporting Results

  • How can I export my results?
  • What formats are available for exporting the geometry?


  • Does using the Deflection Slider in the View Tab show what would really happen to the solid under the conditions specified?
    • The Deflection Slider dramatically magnifies the actual deformation, and is used for visualization purposes only. The numbers and colors reflect the real results.
  • Is there a way to visualize the “mesh of space” that encloses the solid for analysis?
    • Yes, Scan&Solve 2014 allows you to visualize the solution grid by selecting the checkbox Show Grid in the Specify tab. The color of the displayed grid can also be specified. Note that changing the resolution of the solution grid while Show Grid is selected can be performance intensive.
  • What is the relationship between Rhino model accuracy and the size of a single mesh element in Scan&Solve 2014?
    • The size of mesh elements in the Scan&Solve™ 2014“mesh of space” has nothing to do with the “mesh of boundary” in Rhino, which is used for visualization purposes only. Generally speaking, the resolutions have nothing to do with each other, but geometric resolution is several orders of magnitude higher than the analysis resolution. This is to be expected since geometric computations are needed to perform numerical computations on the analysis mesh.

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Purchasing and Upgrading Scan&Solve

  • What types of Scan&Solve 2014 licenses are available for purchase?
    • Scan&Solve 2014 will work with any valid Scan&Solve 2014 license. However, a Scan&Solve 2014 installation is only valid for the 40 day period following the build date listed in the installation file name (as Year.Month.Day).

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  • I would like to see a demonstration of the entire process of analyzing an imported mesh using Scan&Solve 2014.
    • Scan&Solve 2014 supports direct analysis of imported meshes. No special processing is required.
  • How can I keep abreast of the latest developments and releases of Scan&Solve?
    • The best way to keep track of new developments is to download and try the evaluation version, available here. This will add your email to our mailing list. You can also keep track of developments at the Scan&Solve Pro website.

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wiki/sns/sns2014/faq.1501624921.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/01 16:02 by claire