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All controls in Scan&Solve™ are aggregated in three tabs: Specify Tab for setting up the analysis problem, View Tab and Advanced View Tab for visualizing the computed solution, and Settings Tab Controls for adjusting simulation parameters.

Specify Tab Control

Control Action
Custom [Material]Define custom materials. It is the first entry in the materials pull down menu.
Material Display [Material]Shows a short description of the chosen material's properties.
Add [Restraints]Restrain faces or edges of the solid
Edit [Restraints]Indicate directional or partial restraints on previously restrained faces and edges
Delete [Restraints]Remove restraints from previously restrained faces
Add [Loads]Apply surface and/or body loads
Edit [Loads]Edit direction and magnitude of previously applied loads
Delete [Loads]Remove previously specified loads
Gravity (Check box)Turn gravity on/off. Gravity always acts vertically in -Z direction.
Resolution (slider)Adjust the number of elements (degrees of freedom) use to approximate the solution.
GoInitiates the Scan&Solve™ solution procedure
DoneExit Scan&Solve™ after saving the current setup and the last computed solution.
PurgeRemove analysis results from the Rhino model and file
CancelExit Scan&Solve™ without making changes.

View Tab Controls

Danger Level [Component]Pull down to select the default failure criterion for the material
Deflection (Slider)Set the magnification factor to visualize the computed displacement
Minimum [Mark]Display the value and the location of the minimum computed value of danger level
Point [Mark]Display the computed value of danger level at a selected point
Maximum [Mark]Display the value and the location of the maximum computed value of danger level
Clear [Mark]Clears the Minimum, Point, Maximum labels.
On [Section]Turns sections planes on and off.
X-axis [Section]Section plane splits along X-axis.
Y-axis [Section]Section plane splits along Y-axis.
Z-axis [Section]Section plane splits along Z-axis.
Flip [Section]Flip orientation of the section plane.
AdvancedSwitches to Advanced View mode, with many additional options
BakeThe shown deformed solid is saved as a Rhino boundary mesh model
ReportGenerate web ready report of the last analysis

Advanced View Tab Controls

LegendPull down to select different color schemes for the failure criterion display
Max [Legend]Adjust the maximum value of the legend
Min [Legend]Adjust the minimum value of the legend
ResetReset Advanced View settings back to default values

Settings Tab Controls

Linear SolverRadio button selects the solver to use when computing the solution.
- DSS is the Intel Direct Sparse Solver, very fast but memory intensive.
- ISS is the Intel Iterative Sparse Solver, fast and uses little memory.
- SnS is the Scan&Solve solver, the original iterative Scan&Solve solver.
PrecisionAdjusts the relative precision at which the iterative solvers will finish.
Simulation SettingsDisplays detailed technical information about the current simulation settings.
DefaultsReturns the simulation settings to the default values.
wiki/sns/sns2014/controls.1499893717.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/12 15:08 by claire