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Testing a small pressure plastic container

The assortment of materials built into the Scan&Solve installation cover a broad range of applications, but many disciplines require specialized materials not included in the standard installation.

The instructions here show how to import other materials into the Scan&Solve material database.

Step 1: Create solid model

The first challenge is turning your surfaces into a single hollow solid. To hollow out the interior, Rhino requires you to connect the outside surface to the inside. Do this with a small hole that will be negligible at analysis time (clipping plane turned on):

Create a small cylindrical surface and trim away the pieces that aren't part of the solid's boundary. Then use Rhino's CreateSolid command to stitch the surfaces into a single solid.

Run SnS on the resulting solid.

Step 2: Specify material

If your material (e.g., polypropylene) is not one of the built in materials, so you'll have to enter it as a custom material. Choose [Custom…] from the SnS dialog and enter the material properties for polypropylene that you can find online: Click [« Save] and [OK].

Step 3: Apply restraint

In order to run the analysis, the solid must be restrained somewhere. Click [Add] restraint and select the interior of the hole created earlier:

Step 4: Applied the load

Manually convert 5 kg/cm^2 to 0.49 MPa. Click [Add] load, select the 3 interior faces of the container and press Enter. In the Boundary Load Creator dialog enter your 0.49 MPa pressure, and click [OK].

Step 5: Run the analysis

Select desired resolutoin and click [GO!] to begin an analysis run. Here are the displacement results with 100k elements:

We recommend making several analysis runs at higher and higher resolutions until the results don't change very much between runs.

wiki/sns/snspro/test_pressure_plastic_container.1500305891.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/17 09:38 by claire