Desktop Metal’s Live Sinter
Customer need
Many powder metallurgy-based manufacturing methods rely on sintering, a process that heats “green” parts comprised of compressed or binder-jet bound metal powders to near-melting temperatures. During the resulting densification, gravity, friction, shrinkage and a multitude of other factors can lead to deformations that produce parts that are consistently dimensionally inaccurate and unusable without additional costly post-processing.
Live Sinter is able to predict the deformations that occur during sintering. but more importantly allows application of a pre-sintering “negative offset” so sintering distortions ultimately result in parts with the desired shape. Central to Live Sinter’s predictive power is integrated stress analysis powered by Intact.Simulation. Intact.Simulation stress analysis takes into account the effects of gravity and friction as parts deform during sintering. It also provides the ability to predict part performance before parts are made.
Click here to learn more about Live Sinter.
- Geometry: voxels and meshes
- Material: isotropic
- Physics: linear static stress
- Deployment: on the cloud using a customized native API

Benefits of Intact Solutions’ plug and play technology for Live Sinter
Challenges addressed
- In-the-loop repeated analyses of changing shape
- Couple analysis with non-traditional physics
- Deployment on the cloud and integrated using API
Additional benefits
- Trivial to query simulation results and inform future iterations
Desktop Metal’s Live Parts
Customer need
Live Parts uses a proprietary hybrid representation of shape that rapidly evolves and updates in time based on a variety of bio/chemical analogies subject to structural constraints and optimality criteria. Meshing is not an option and Desktop Metal did not want to develop a new customized solver.
Click here to learn more about Live Parts.
- Geometry: voxels and meshes
- Material: isotropic
- Physics: linear static stress
- Deployment: on the cloud using a customized native API

Benefits of Intact Solutions’ plug and play technology for Live Parts
Challenges addressed
- Radically new representation of shape
- In-the-loop analysis of rapidly changing geometry requiring highly efficient analysis
- No time for pre-processing
- Deployment on the cloud and integrated using API
Additional benefits
- Ability to accommodate future changes in shape representation, material, physics, etc.
Scan&Solve for Rhino
Customer Need
Rhinoceros is a popular CAD software used by architects, and the gamut of design disciplines ranging from industrial to marine engineering, and more. Users of the software often have a need for stress simulation, but do not have extensive simulation experience or access to affordable simulation solutions.
Click here to learn more about Scan&Solve Pro for Rhino and to try it for yourself.
- Geometry: breps, meshes, procedural
- Material: isotropic, spatially varying orthotropic
- Physics: linear static stress
- Deployment: Rhinoceros plug-in using Intact.Simulation™ API on Windows

Benefits of Intact Solutions’ Intact.Simulation™ technology for Scan&Solve for Rhino
Challenges Addressed
- Provide a simulation tool accessible to a wide variety of users
- Removed expertise required to pre-process and conformally mesh geometry
- Simulation with mixed materials including wood and composites
- Ability to handle bonded assemblies
Additional Benefits
- Integrated solution allows seamless operation within Rhino
Customer Need
Onshape is the first web-based “product development platform that unites CAD, data management, collaboration tools and real-time analytics.” Along with the ability to create geometry, users need to evaluate the performance of their designs prior to production.
Click here to learn more about Intact.Design and to try it for yourself.
- Geometry: breps
- Material: isotropic
- Physics: linear static stress, normal modes
- Deployment: Onshape partner application using Intact.Simulation™ Kernel on the web

Benefits of Intact Solutions’ Intact.Simulation™ technology for Onshape
Challenges Addressed
- Simulation without installation of software
- Ability to perform simulation without extensive geometry pre-processing
- Deployment on the cloud
- Analyze multi-material assemblies for stress and vibration
Additional Benefits
- Integrated solution allows seamless operation within Onshape
G-Code Analysis
Customer Need
Additive manufacturing is increasingly used to manufacture components for use in products. However, predicting the performance of these components is limited by legacy tools that cannot handle the high geometric complexity.
- Geometry: g-code
- Material: custom anisotropic
- Physics: linear static stress
- Deployment: contact us

Benefits of Intact Solutions’ Intact.Simulation™ technology for Additive Manufacturing
Challenges Addressed
- Predict performance of additively manufactured parts before prototyping
- Compare manufacturing plans for performance
Contact Us
Do you have a simulation problem you’re trying to solve? Contact us to let us tell you how we can help.