Unprecedented ease-of-use and automation in simulation workflows

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Intact.Simulation™ Example Applications
Integrated with CAD
Simulate Early, Simulate Often… In Rhino
The first rendition of Intact Solutions’ Intact.Simulation™ technology is Scan&Solve™ for Rhino for Windows. This plug-in for Rhino completely automates basic structural simulation of Rhino solids. Unlike other analysis tools, no pre-processing (meshing, simplification, healing, translating, etc.) is needed. With Scan&Solve™ Pro, analysis of assemblies of components, wood, and composite materials can be performed seamlessly without leaving Rhino.
In the Cloud
Helping those who make, make things better.
Intact.Design is the first and only fully automated simulation service on the cloud that does not require installation, pre-processing, meshing, or expertise in analysis. This level of automation, made possible by the Intact.Simulation™ technology, means that if you have an STL model, you are only a few clicks away from predicting its strengths, weaknesses, and deformations.
Unconventional Geometry
Additive manufacturing is steadily advancing towards fulfilling its promise of customized and on-demand production of functional parts. However, performance of as-manufactured parts can differ significantly from the as-designed parts. Attempts to predict performance of as-manufactured parts are particularly hampered by the complexity of the as-planned geometry. Intact Solutions’ Intact.Simulation™ technology overcomes this barrier of geometric complexity, allowing simulation directly from manufacturing plans.
Learn more about our software and research!
We’d love to hear more about the problem you’re trying to solve. We specialize in creating solutions that connect geometry, material, and physics in a deployment environment of your choice.
Intact Solutions, Inc.
Suite 301
Madison, WI 53703-3007
United States