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System Requirements

Scan&Solve Pro requires a functional Windows installation of Rhino 7. Currently there is no support for Rhino on Macintosh systems. An evaluation copy of Rhino may be downloaded here. (This fully functional version is identical to the commercial version except that it will expire after 90 days. Scan&Solve Pro will operate within Rhino during this evaluation period.)

Scan&Solve Pro is a computationally intensive application requiring large amounts of memory and computer processing power. At the very minimum, 2GB memory and a recent version of Windows (64-bit) are expected, but significantly more memory and the latest processers are strongly recommended.

Download and Run Installer

  1. Download the SnS Pro plug-in installer from here.
  2. Locate the installer executable, SnSPro_Rhino7_#.#.#.#.exe, in your downloads folder. Double-click it to run the Scan&Solve Pro installer.
  3. When the User Account Control pops up, click [Yes].
  4. Read the license agreement carefully, accept the agreement, and click [Next >] to continue.
  5. When offered the option to select components, click [Next >] to continue.
  6. Review the installation settings, click [Install] to continue.
  7. Once the installation process is complete, click [Finish] to exit the installer.
  8. Test the installation by running Rhino 7


Activating Evaluation

When Scan&Solve Pro starts up (Run SnSPro command at Rhino's command line), it checks the computer to determine the type of license that is installed. If no license is found, Scan&Solve Pro will default to an unactivated evaluation and a “UnActivated SnSPro Evaluation” watermark will be displayed in the Rhino viewports. The SnSPro dialog will look like this:

Click the [Start Evaluating SnS Pro] button to install an evaluation license from the internet.

Activating Purchased License

Purchased licenses consist of a text file containing a long string of characters that looks something like this:

key/384gB81dWjD ...<snipped>... ePcx7ZvASf==

To activate a purchased license:

  1. At Rhino's command prompt, run the SnSPro command.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab of the SnSPro dialog:

    and click the [Activate…] button.
  3. The “Activate License” dialog will pop up with a text entry box:
  4. Open the license file in a text editor such as Notepad and copy paste the license text into the entry field of the Activate License dialog.
  5. Click [Activate] to install the license on the computer.

Deactivating Purchased License

Licenses can be deactivated from one computer for installation on another. To deactivate a license on a computer:

  1. At Rhino's command prompt, run the SnSPro command.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab of the SnSPro dialog:
  3. Click the [Deactivate] button to release the license to internet. (Note that the [Deactivate] button will only be visible if a valid license is installed.)
wiki/sns/snspro/installation.1718817822.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/19 11:23 by michael