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Supported Materials

Intact.Simulation for Grasshopper supports structural materials that are linear isotropic. Isotropic materials possess the same mechanical properties regardless of orientation. Linear materials have a proportional relationship between stress and strain. Metals, plastics, and ceramics are examples of linear isotropic materials.

Structural Material Blocks

Intact.Simulation for Grasshopper contains 3 types of structural Material Blocks:

Built-in Materials

Intact.Simulation for Grasshopper contains a variety of built-in engineering materials which can be picked from the Material Block.

Right-clicking on the material block will pop up a list from which one of the built-in materials may be selected.

Custom Ductile Material

The custom ductile material block allows use of structural materials for which the von Mises failure criterion applies. Material properties must be entered using the MKS unit system.

The inputs to the custom ductile block are:

  • Density (kg/m^3)
  • Elastic modulus (Pa)
  • Poisson ratio
  • Yield strength (Pa)

Custom Brittle Material

The custom brittle material block allows use of structural materials for which the Coulomb-Mohr failure criterion applies. Material properties must be entered using the MKS unit system.

The inputs to the custom brittle block are:

  • Density (Kg/m^3)
  • Youngs modulus (Pa)
  • Poisson ratio
  • Tensile strength (Pa)
  • Compressive strength (Pa)

Built-in Thermal Materials

Intact.Simulation for Grasshopper contains a variety of built-in engineering materials which can be picked from the Thermal Material Block for thermal simulations.

Right-clicking on the material block will pop up a list from which one of the built-in materials may be selected.

wiki/sns/intactgh/materials.1684255587.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/05/16 10:46 by goldy