~~CLOSETOC~~ {{TOC:wide}} \\ ====== Thermal Boundary Conditions ====== Thermal boundary conditions are applied to faces of the components participating in the simulation by connecting to the boundary condition input on the thermal solver component {{ :wiki:sns:intactgh:thermal_solver_block_surface.png?200 }} ===== Temperature Load ===== A "Temperature" boundary condition fixes the temperature at the chosen boundary at the specified temperature. A Temperature boundary condition requires two inputs: * G: the geometry of the surfaces where the temperature is fixed * T: the magnitude of the temperature {{ :wiki:sns:intactgh:temperaturebc.png?200 }} ===== Thermal Convection ===== "Thermal Convection" specifies the transfer of heat from a surrounding medium. A thermal convection boundary condition requires three inputs: * G: the geometry of the surfaces where the convection is specified. * C: the coefficient of convection * Te: the temperature of the surrounding medium {{ :wiki:sns:intactgh:convectionbc.png?200 }} ===== Thermal Flux ===== Surface "Thermal or Heat Flux" specifies the heat flow per unit of surface area. A surface thermal flux requires two inputs: * G: the geometry of the surfaces where the heat flux is applied * HF: the magnitude of the heat flux {{ :wiki:sns:intactgh:thermalfluxbc.png?200 }}