====== Components ======
A component in Intact.Simulation for Grasshopper combines a solid and a material for simulation.
The component block accepts three inputs:
* Geometry
* [[wiki:sns:intactgh:materials|Materials]]
* Boolean indicating whether solidity is strictly required (true by default)
{{ :wiki:sns:intactgh:pasted:20220726-215535.png }}
====== Assemblies ======
Assemblies can be created in several ways:
* Feed a list of geometries into the component block.
* Use a [Merge] component to create a list of components in an assembly.
* Use when plugging components into the Component input on the solver.
{{ :wiki:sns:intactgh:assembly.png?400 }}
📌 See example application [[wiki:sns:intactgh:ex_1|Ex-1: Stress simulation of a bonded assembly]]