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wiki:sns:snspro:installation [2024/06/19 11:23] michaelwiki:sns:snspro:installation [2024/06/19 11:26] (current) michael
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   - Once the installation process is complete, click [Finish] to exit the installer.\\ {{:wiki:sns:snspro:snspro4.png?400|}}   - Once the installation process is complete, click [Finish] to exit the installer.\\ {{:wiki:sns:snspro:snspro4.png?400|}}
   - Test the installation by running Rhino 7   - Test the installation by running Rhino 7
-====== Licenses ====== 
-===== Activating Evaluation ===== 
-When Scan&Solve Pro starts up (Run SnSPro command at Rhino's command line), it checks the computer to determine the type of license that is installed.  If no license is found, Scan&Solve Pro will default to an unactivated evaluation and a "UnActivated SnSPro Evaluation" watermark will be displayed in the Rhino viewports.  The SnSPro dialog will look like this:\\ 
-{{:wiki:sns:snspro:pasted:20240619-105014.png}} \\ 
-Click the [Start Evaluating SnS Pro] button to install an evaluation license from the internet. 
-===== Activating Purchased License ===== 
-Purchased licenses consist of a text file containing a long string of characters that looks something like this: <code>key/384gB81dWjD ...<snipped>... ePcx7ZvASf==</code> 
-To activate a purchased license: 
-  - At Rhino's command prompt, run the **SnSPro** command. 
-  - Navigate to the **Settings** tab of the SnSPro dialog: \\ {{:wiki:sns:snspro:pasted:20240619-111049.png}} \\ and click the [Activate...] button. 
-  - The "Activate License" dialog will pop up with a text entry box: \\ {{:wiki:sns:snspro:pasted:20240619-111353.png}} 
-  - Open the license file in a text editor such as Notepad and copy paste the license text into the entry field of the Activate License dialog. 
-  - Click [Activate] to install the license on the computer. 
-===== Deactivating Purchased License ===== 
-Licenses can be deactivated from one computer for installation on another.  To deactivate a license on a computer: 
-  - At Rhino's command prompt, run the **SnSPro** command. 
-  - Navigate to the **Settings** tab of the SnSPro dialog: \\ {{:wiki:sns:snspro:pasted:20240619-111933.png}} 
-  - Click the [Deactivate] button to release the license to internet. (Note that the [Deactivate] button will only be visible if a valid license is installed.) 
wiki/sns/snspro/installation.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/19 11:26 by michael