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wiki:sns:sns2014:interpreting_results [2017/07/13 12:07] clairewiki:sns:sns2014:interpreting_results [2017/07/13 12:29] (current) claire
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   * **Displacements**. The primary computed property is displacement -- a vector (x-, y-, z-) quantity measuring where each point of the body moves after the loads are applied. The total displacement is a (scalar) magnitude of the displacement vector. Displacement is measured in units of length. Displacements are important for a number of reasons:   * **Displacements**. The primary computed property is displacement -- a vector (x-, y-, z-) quantity measuring where each point of the body moves after the loads are applied. The total displacement is a (scalar) magnitude of the displacement vector. Displacement is measured in units of length. Displacements are important for a number of reasons:
-    * Recall that [[linear_elasticity|linear static analysis]] is really a "small displacement theory" that assumes that the solid shape does not change very much. Thus, the computed displacements can be interpreted as a first approximation of the actual deformation indicating tendency and magnitude of deformation. They can be magnified and visualized in the deflected view. But if the computed displacements are large, the actual deformation may be very different.+    * Recall that [[wiki:sns:sns2014:linear_static_analysis|linear static analysis]] is really a "small displacement theory" that assumes that the solid shape does not change very much. Thus, the computed displacements can be interpreted as a first approximation of the actual deformation indicating tendency and magnitude of deformation. They can be magnified and visualized in the deflected view. But if the computed displacements are large, the actual deformation may be very different.
     * Generally speaking, predicted values of displacement are always more accurate than predicted values of strains and stresses, because displacement is the primary quantity directly computed by solving a system of linear equations. In contrast to stresses, displacements have finite magnitude and do not have singularities at any points.     * Generally speaking, predicted values of displacement are always more accurate than predicted values of strains and stresses, because displacement is the primary quantity directly computed by solving a system of linear equations. In contrast to stresses, displacements have finite magnitude and do not have singularities at any points.
     * Large displacements are not necessarily bad; they simply indicate flexibility of the system to move or deform.     * Large displacements are not necessarily bad; they simply indicate flexibility of the system to move or deform.
wiki/sns/sns2014/interpreting_results.1499969267.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/13 12:07 by claire